Friday, March 30, 2012

My /etc/fstab for Root partition and Root Clone partition

ssdRoot /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
LABEL=htpcHome /home ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRoot / ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRootClone /mnt/ssdRootClone ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=grubPartition /boot/grub ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdSwap swap swap defaults 0 0
LABEL=mythMovies /home/david/MythTV/Glenelg xfs defaults 0 1
# NFS client
#david-desktop:/ /mnt nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/music /home/david/Music nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/movies /home/david/Movies nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
# Samba
//david-desktop/movies /home/david/Movies cifs noatime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/music /home/david/Music cifs noatime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/tvseries        /home/david/TVseries    cifs    noatime,bg,username=david,password=david        0 0

ssdRootClone /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
LABEL=htpcHome /home ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRoot /mnt/ssdRoot ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRootClone / ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=grubPartition /boot/grub ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdSwap swap swap defaults 0 0
LABEL=mythMovies /home/david/MythTV/Glenelg xfs defaults 0 1
# NFS client
#david-desktop:/ /mnt nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/music /home/david/Music nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/movies /home/david/Movies nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
# Samba
//david-desktop/movies /home/david/Movies cifs noatime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/music /home/david/Music cifs noatime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/tvseries        /home/david/TVseries    cifs    noatime,bg,username=david,password=david        0 0

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Move recordings from one MythTV folder to another - update the database

This script is built up from several transcode scripts and database scripts I have found elsewhere. 

It will take a recording from MythTV, give it a human readable filename, and then shift the recording to a new folder that you can specify. Finally, it will update the database to point to the new location.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ============================================================================
# = NAME 
# Move recording from MythTV to a different folder, updating the database
# Hs the ability to change the filename to human readable
my $usage = 'Usage: -j %JOBID% -f %FILE% 
# ============================================================================
use strict;
use MythTV;
use XML::Simple;
use File::Copy;

# What file are we copying/transcoding?
my $file  = '';
my $jobid = -1;

# do nothing?
my $noexec = 0;

# extra console output?
my $DEBUG = 1;

# some globals
my ($chanid, $command, $query, $ref, $starttime, $showtitle, $episodetitle);
my ($seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodedetails);
my ($newfilename, $newstarttime);
my $xmlparser = new XML::Simple;
my $xmlstring;

my $mt = '';
my $db = '';

# Set your desired output directory
# Make sure this folder is writable by your myth user
my $outputdir = "/home/david/Recordings/Sturt"; # Don't use a trailing slash

# ============================================================================
sub Reconnect()
    $mt = new MythTV();
    $db = $mt->{'dbh'};

# ============================================================================
sub Die($)
    print STDERR "@_\n";
    exit -1;

# ============================================================================
# Parse command-line arguments, check there is something to do:
if ( ! @ARGV )
{   Die "$usage"  }

while ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/ )
    my $arg = shift @ARGV;

    if ( $arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--debug' )
    {   $DEBUG = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-n' || $arg eq '--noaction' )
    {   $noexec = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-j' || $arg eq '--jobid' )
    {   $jobid = shift @ARGV  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-f' || $arg eq '--file' )
    {   $file = shift @ARGV  }
        unshift @ARGV, $arg;

if ( ! $file && $jobid == -1 )
    Die "No file or job specified. $usage";

# ============================================================================
# If we were supplied a jobid, lookup chanid
# and starttime so that we can find the filename
if ( $jobid != -1 )
    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                          "FROM jobqueue WHERE id=$jobid;");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query jobqueue table";
    $ref       = $query->fetchrow_hashref;
    $chanid    = $ref->{'chanid'};
    $starttime = $ref->{'starttime'};

    if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
    {   Die "Cannot find details for job $jobid"  }

    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT basename FROM recorded " .
                          "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime';");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
    ($file) = $query->fetchrow_array;

    if ( ! $file )
    {   Die "Cannot find recording for chan $chanid, starttime $starttime"  }

    if ( $DEBUG )
        print "Job $jobid refers to recording chanid=$chanid,",
              " starttime=$starttime\n"
    if ( $file =~ m/(\d+)_(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/ )
    {   $chanid = $1, $starttime = "$2-$3-$4 $5:$6:$7"  }
        print "File $file has a strange name. Searching in recorded table\n";
        $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                              "FROM recorded WHERE basename='$file';");
        $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
        ($chanid,$starttime) = $query->fetchrow_array;

        if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
        {   Die "Cannot find details for filename $file"  }

# ============================================================================
# A commonly used SQL row selector:
my $whereChanAndStarttime = "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime'";

# ============================================================================
# Find the directory that contains the recordings, check the file exists
my $dir  = undef;
my $dirs = $mt->{'video_dirs'};

foreach my $d ( @$dirs )
 if ( ! -e $d )
 {   Die "Cannot find directory $dir that contains recordings"  }

 if ( -e "$d/$file" )
  $dir = $d;
 {   print "$d/$file does not exist\n"   }

if ( ! $dir )
{   Die "Cannot find recording"  }

# ============================================================================
# First, generate a new filename,

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT title FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$showtitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT subtitle FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$episodetitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

if ( $episodetitle ne "" ) 
  $seasonnumber = "";
  $episodenumber = "";
  $xmlstring = `/usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ -N "$showtitle" "$episodetitle"`;
  if ( $xmlstring ne "" ) {
    $episodedetails =$xmlparser->XMLin($xmlstring);
    $seasonnumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{season};
    $episodenumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{episode};
my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$mins,$secs) = split m/[- :]/, $starttime;
my $oldShortTime = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d",
                   $year, $month, $day;
my $iter = 0;

do {
  if ( $episodetitle eq "" || $seasonnumber eq "" || $episodenumber eq "" )
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%s.%s.%s", $showtitle, $month, $day, $year;
  } else {
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_S%0sE%0s_%s", $showtitle, $seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodetitle;
  $newfilename =~ s/\;/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\&/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/:/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/__/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\(//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\)//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/'//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\!//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\///g;
  if ( $iter != "0" ) 
  {  $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%d%s", $newfilename, $iter, ".mkv"  } else { $newfilename = sprintf "%s%s", $newfilename, ".mkv" }
  $iter ++;
  $secs = $secs + $iter;
  $newstarttime = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
                    $year, $month, $day, $hour, $mins, $secs;
} while  ( -e "$outputdir/$newfilename" );

$DEBUG && print "$outputdir/$newfilename seems unique\n";

# ============================================================================
# Next, move the file.
chdir $dir;
copy($file, "$outputdir/$newfilename") or die "File cannot be copied.";
#move($file, "$outputdir/$newfilename") or die "File cannot be moved.";

# ============================================================================
# Last, copy the existing recorded details with the new file name.
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute ||  Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$ref = $query->fetchrow_hashref;

$ref->{'starttime'} = $newstarttime;
$ref->{'basename'}  = $newfilename;
if ( $DEBUG && ! $noexec )
    print 'Old file size = ' . (-s "$dir/$file")        . "\n";
    print 'New file size = ' . (-s "$outputdir/$newfilename") . "\n";
$ref->{'filesize'}  = -s "$outputdir/$newfilename";

my $extra = 'Copy';

# The new recording file has no cutlist, so we don't insert that field
my @recKeys = grep(!/^cutlist$/, keys %$ref);

# Build up the SQL insert command:
$command = 'INSERT INTO recorded (' . join(',', @recKeys) . ') VALUES ("';
foreach my $key ( @recKeys )
    if (defined $ref->{$key})
    {   $command .= quotemeta($ref->{$key}) . '","'   }
    {   chop $command; $command .= 'NULL,"'   }

chop $command; chop $command;  # remove trailing comma quote

$command .= ');';

if ( $DEBUG || $noexec )
{   print "# $command\n"  }

if ( ! $noexec )
{   $db->do($command)  || Die "Couldn't create new recording's record, but transcoded file exists $newfilename\n"   }

# ============================================================================
# Now, delete the old recording and png files, keeping the new transcoded recording
if ( -e "$outputdir/$newfilename" )
   $command = 'DELETE from recorded ' . join(',', $whereChanAndStarttime) . '; '; # Build up the SQL delete command:
    $db->do($command); # remove the mysql entry for the recording
    my $filepng = $file . join(',','.png'); # Create the file png filename
    my $filepng2 = $file . join(',','.-1.100x75.png'); # Create the file png filename
    unlink($file); # remove the original file
    unlink($filepng); # remove the file's png
    unlink($filepng2); # remove the file's png

# ============================================================================


# ============================================================================

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Waiting for boot device

Waiting 30 seconds for device /dev/archiso ...
ERROR: boot device didn't show up after 30 seconds ...
Falling back to interactive prompt
You can try to fix the problem manually, logout when you are finished

The solution for me was to type the following at the ramfs$ prompt

ramfs$ udevadm trigger
ramfs$ exit

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

When /var/lib/mysql gets really large

I followed the instructions given here

In short,

Add this line to your /etc/mysql/my.cnf and it'll need to be in the 
[mysqld] section. 

expire_logs_days = 7 

Then log into Mysql (# mysql -u root -p mysql) and run this command to set the variable without 

having to restart Mysql. 

SET GLOBAL expire_logs_days=7; 

Immediately expire the old logs:


Monday, March 12, 2012

XBMC configuration screenshots

Here is a screenshot of the settings used to get sound working in XBMC from the HDMI connection on my GPU (NVidia GT430).

To find the correct name for the card, I used the command

$aplay -l

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC889A Analog [ALC889A Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 1: ALC889A Digital [ALC889A Digital]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 8: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 9: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
It was important for me to do it this way rather than simply a card number because these numbers can change on reboot.

Each card/device combination was tested using
$ aplay -D plughw:1,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
until sound was heard. The important part in the above command is "plughw:1,9" which is the card number and device number from the ****List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices****, respectively.

Once this was working, the card number can be replaced by the name of the card. For me, I replaced "1" with "Nvidia" to give the command
$ aplay -D plughw:NVidia,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
I then used this information in my XBMC settings.

Notice the information is being used in the Custom audio device section.

High quality user job transcode script for MythTV using Handbrake

A high quality user job script for MythTV that transcodes a recording to .mkv format and gives the resulting filename a human readable name.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ============================================================================
# = NAME 
# Convert mpeg2 file from myth to h264 with aac audio.
my $usage = 'Usage: -j %JOBID% -f %FILE% 

# ============================================================================

use strict;
use MythTV;
use XML::Simple;

# What file are we copying/transcoding?
my $file  = '';
my $jobid = -1;

# do nothing?
my $noexec = 0;

# extra console output?
my $DEBUG = 1;

# some globals
my ($chanid, $command, $query, $ref, $starttime, $showtitle, $episodetitle);
my ($seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodedetails);
my ($newfilename, $newstarttime);
my $xmlparser = new XML::Simple;
my $xmlstring;
# globals for stream and resolution mapping
my ($output, $videostream, $audiostreamsurround, $audiostreamstereo, $framerate);

# transcode options
my $videocodec = "x264";
my $videoquality = "22"; # target quality
my $videobitrate = "1500k"; # target bitrate - not used if using videoquality
my $audiostream = 1; # default audio channel
my $audiocodec = "copy:ac3";
my $audiobitrate = "256";
my $audiochannels = "auto"; 
my $audiosamplerate = "Auto";
my $audiodrc = "1.0";
my $ftype = "mkv";
my $detelecine = "--detelecine";
my $decomb = "--decomb";
my $looseanamorphic = "--loose-anamorphic";
my $chapters = "-m";

# x264 options
my $badapt = "b-adapt=2";
my $rclookahead = "rc-lookahead=50";
my $x264options = "$badapt:$rclookahead";
# ref=2:bframes=2:subme=6:mixed-refs=0:weightb=0:8x8dct=0:trellis=0

my $mt = '';
my $db = '';

sub Reconnect()
    $mt = new MythTV();
    $db = $mt->{'dbh'};

# ============================================================================
sub Die($)
    print STDERR "@_\n";
    exit -1;
# ============================================================================
# Parse command-line arguments, check there is something to do:
if ( ! @ARGV )
{   Die "$usage"  }

while ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/ )
    my $arg = shift @ARGV;

    if ( $arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--debug' )
    {   $DEBUG = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-n' || $arg eq '--noaction' )
    {   $noexec = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-j' || $arg eq '--jobid' )
    {   $jobid = shift @ARGV  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-f' || $arg eq '--file' )
    {   $file = shift @ARGV  }
        unshift @ARGV, $arg;

if ( ! $file && $jobid == -1 )
    Die "No file or job specified. $usage";

# ============================================================================
# If we were supplied a jobid, lookup chanid
# and starttime so that we can find the filename
if ( $jobid != -1 )
    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                          "FROM jobqueue WHERE id=$jobid;");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query jobqueue table";
    $ref       = $query->fetchrow_hashref;
    $chanid    = $ref->{'chanid'};
    $starttime = $ref->{'starttime'};

    if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
    {   Die "Cannot find details for job $jobid"  }

    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT basename FROM recorded " .
                          "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime';");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
    ($file) = $query->fetchrow_array;

    if ( ! $file )
    {   Die "Cannot find recording for chan $chanid, starttime $starttime"  }

    if ( $DEBUG )
        print "Job $jobid refers to recording chanid=$chanid,",
              " starttime=$starttime\n"
    if ( $file =~ m/(\d+)_(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/ )
    {   $chanid = $1, $starttime = "$2-$3-$4 $5:$6:$7"  }
        print "File $file has a strange name. Searching in recorded table\n";
        $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                              "FROM recorded WHERE basename='$file';");
        $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
        ($chanid,$starttime) = $query->fetchrow_array;

        if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
        {   Die "Cannot find details for filename $file"  }

# A commonly used SQL row selector:
my $whereChanAndStarttime = "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime'";

# ============================================================================
# Find the directory that contains the recordings, check the file exists
my $dir  = undef;
my $dirs = $mt->{'video_dirs'};

foreach my $d ( @$dirs )
 if ( ! -e $d )
 {   Die "Cannot find directory $dir that contains recordings"  }

 if ( -e "$d/$file" )
  $dir = $d;
 {   print "$d/$file does not exist\n"   }

if ( ! $dir )
{   Die "Cannot find recording"  }

# ============================================================================
# Do you want to implement the deinterlace feature?
#my $dowedeinterlace = " ";
# ============================================================================
# Use ffmpeg to find if we need to deinterlace
my $deinterlace = " ";
#if ( $dowedeinterlace == '1')
# {
# $command = "ffmpeg -i $dir/$file ";
# open(FF_info, "$command 2>&1 |");
# while ( defined(my $line = ) ) {
#  chomp($line);
#  if ( $line =~ /^\s*Stream.*#(\S\.\S).*:\sVideo.*\s(\S*)\stbr/ )
#  {
#   $framerate = $2;
#   next;
#  }
# }
# if ( $framerate <= 30.0 ) { $deinterlace = "--deinterlace" } elsif ( $framerate > 30 && $framerate <= 60 ) { $deinterlace = "" }

# ============================================================================
# First, generate a new filename,

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT title FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$showtitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT subtitle FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$episodetitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

if ( $episodetitle ne "" ) 
  $seasonnumber = "";
  $episodenumber = "";
  $xmlstring = `/usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ -N "$showtitle" "$episodetitle"`;
  if ( $xmlstring ne "" ) {
    $episodedetails =$xmlparser->XMLin($xmlstring);
    $seasonnumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{season};
    $episodenumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{episode};
my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$mins,$secs) = split m/[- :]/, $starttime;
my $oldShortTime = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d",
                   $year, $month, $day;
my $iter = 0;

do {
  if ( $episodetitle eq "" || $seasonnumber eq "" || $episodenumber eq "" )
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%s.%s.%s", $showtitle, $month, $day, $year;
  } else {
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_S%0sE%0s_%s", $showtitle, $seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodetitle;
  $newfilename =~ s/\;/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\&/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/:/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/__/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\(//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\)//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/'//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\!//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\///g;
  if ( $iter != "0" ) 
  {  $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%d%s", $newfilename, $iter, ".mkv"  } else { $newfilename = sprintf "%s%s", $newfilename, ".mkv" }
  $iter ++;
  $secs = $secs + $iter;
  $newstarttime = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
                    $year, $month, $day, $hour, $mins, $secs;
} while  ( -e "$dir/$newfilename" );

$DEBUG && print "$dir/$newfilename seems unique\n";

# ============================================================================
# Third, do the transcode
# $audiochannels = 6;
# $audiostream = $audiostreamsurround;
# if ( $audiostreamsurround eq "" )
# {
#   $audiochannels = 2;
#   $audiostream = $audiostreamstereo;
# } 

$command = "/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI -i $file";
$command = "$command -o $newfilename";
$command = "$command -e $videocodec";
$command = "$command -q $videoquality";
$command = "$command -a $audiostream";
$command = "$command -E $audiocodec";
$command = "$command -B $audiobitrate";
$command = "$command -6 $audiochannels";
$command = "$command -R $audiosamplerate";
$command = "$command -D $audiodrc";
$command = "$command -f $ftype";
$command = "$command $detelecine";
$command = "$command $decomb";
$command = "$command $looseanamorphic";
$command = "$command $chapters";
$command = "$command $deinterlace";
$command = "$command -x $x264options";

$DEBUG && print "Executing: $command\n";

chdir $dir;
system $command;

if ( ! -e "$dir/$newfilename" )
{   Die "Transcode failed\n"  }

# ============================================================================
# Last, copy the existing recorded details with the new file name.
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute ||  Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$ref = $query->fetchrow_hashref;

$ref->{'starttime'} = $newstarttime;
$ref->{'basename'}  = $newfilename;
if ( $DEBUG && ! $noexec )
    print 'Old file size = ' . (-s "$dir/$file")        . "\n";
    print 'New file size = ' . (-s "$dir/$newfilename") . "\n";
$ref->{'filesize'}  = -s "$dir/$newfilename";

my $extra = 'Copy';

# The new recording file has no cutlist, so we don't insert that field
my @recKeys = grep(!/^cutlist$/, keys %$ref);

# Build up the SQL insert command:
$command = 'INSERT INTO recorded (' . join(',', @recKeys) . ') VALUES ("';
foreach my $key ( @recKeys )
    if (defined $ref->{$key})
    {   $command .= quotemeta($ref->{$key}) . '","'   }
    {   chop $command; $command .= 'NULL,"'   }

chop $command; chop $command;  # remove trailing comma quote

$command .= ');';

if ( $DEBUG || $noexec )
{   print "# $command\n"  }

if ( ! $noexec )
{   $db->do($command)  || Die "Couldn't create new recording's record, but transcoded file exists $newfilename\n"   }

# Delete the old recording, keeping the new transcoded recording
if ( -e "$dir/$newfilename" )
{   $command = 'DELETE from recorded ' . join(',', $whereChanAndStarttime) . '; '; # Build up the SQL delete command:
    $db->do($command); # remove the mysql entry for the recording
    my $filepng = $file . join(',','.png'); # Create the file png filename
    unlink($file); # remove the original file
    unlink($filepng); # remove the file's png

# ============================================================================


Normal Transcode user job script for MythTV using Handbrake

This is a script that uses Handbrake and can be run from a User Job to transcode a recording to .mkv giving the resulting file a human readable filename.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ============================================================================
# = NAME 
# Convert mpeg2 file from myth to h264 with aac audio.
my $usage = 'Usage: -j %JOBID% -f %FILE% 

# ============================================================================

use strict;
use MythTV;
use XML::Simple;

# What file are we copying/transcoding?
my $file  = '';
my $jobid = -1;

# do nothing?
my $noexec = 0;

# extra console output?
my $DEBUG = 1;

# some globals
my ($chanid, $command, $query, $ref, $starttime, $showtitle, $episodetitle);
my ($seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodedetails);
my ($newfilename, $newstarttime);
my $xmlparser = new XML::Simple;
my $xmlstring;
# globals for stream and resolution mapping
my ($output, $videostream, $audiostreamsurround, $audiostreamstereo, $framerate);

# transcode options
my $videocodec = "x264";
my $videoquality = "22"; # target quality
my $audiostream = 1; # default audio channel
my $audiocodec = "copy:ac3";
my $audiobitrate = "160";
my $audiochannels = "auto"; 
my $audiosamplerate = "Auto";
my $audiodrc = "0.0";
my $ftype = "mkv";
my $anamorphic = "--strict-anamorphic";
my $chapters = "-m";
my $deinterlace = "--deinterlace";

# long word options - type them here
my $wordoptions = "$anamorphic";

# x264 options
my $refoption = "ref=2";
my $bframeoption = "bframes=2";
my $submeoption = "subme=6";
my $mixedrefsoption = "mixed-refs=0";
my $weightboption = "weightb=0";
my $eightbyeightoption = "8x8dct=0";
my $trellisoption = "trellis=0";
my $x264options = "$refoption:$bframeoption:$submeoption:$mixedrefsoption:$weightboption:$eightbyeightoption:$trellisoption";

my $mt = '';
my $db = '';

sub Reconnect()
    $mt = new MythTV();
    $db = $mt->{'dbh'};

# ============================================================================
sub Die($)
    print STDERR "@_\n";
    exit -1;
# ============================================================================
# Parse command-line arguments, check there is something to do:
if ( ! @ARGV )
{   Die "$usage"  }

while ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/ )
    my $arg = shift @ARGV;

    if ( $arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--debug' )
    {   $DEBUG = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-n' || $arg eq '--noaction' )
    {   $noexec = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-j' || $arg eq '--jobid' )
    {   $jobid = shift @ARGV  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-f' || $arg eq '--file' )
    {   $file = shift @ARGV  }
        unshift @ARGV, $arg;

if ( ! $file && $jobid == -1 )
    Die "No file or job specified. $usage";

# ============================================================================
# If we were supplied a jobid, lookup chanid
# and starttime so that we can find the filename
if ( $jobid != -1 )
    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                          "FROM jobqueue WHERE id=$jobid;");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query jobqueue table";
    $ref       = $query->fetchrow_hashref;
    $chanid    = $ref->{'chanid'};
    $starttime = $ref->{'starttime'};

    if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
    {   Die "Cannot find details for job $jobid"  }

    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT basename FROM recorded " .
                          "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime';");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
    ($file) = $query->fetchrow_array;

    if ( ! $file )
    {   Die "Cannot find recording for chan $chanid, starttime $starttime"  }

    if ( $DEBUG )
        print "Job $jobid refers to recording chanid=$chanid,",
              " starttime=$starttime\n"
    if ( $file =~ m/(\d+)_(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/ )
    {   $chanid = $1, $starttime = "$2-$3-$4 $5:$6:$7"  }
        print "File $file has a strange name. Searching in recorded table\n";
        $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                              "FROM recorded WHERE basename='$file';");
        $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
        ($chanid,$starttime) = $query->fetchrow_array;

        if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
        {   Die "Cannot find details for filename $file"  }

# A commonly used SQL row selector:
my $whereChanAndStarttime = "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime'";

# ============================================================================
# Find the directory that contains the recordings, check the file exists
my $dir  = undef;
my $dirs = $mt->{'video_dirs'};

foreach my $d ( @$dirs )
 if ( ! -e $d )
 {   Die "Cannot find directory $dir that contains recordings"  }

 if ( -e "$d/$file" )
  $dir = $d;
 {   print "$d/$file does not exist\n"   }

if ( ! $dir )
{   Die "Cannot find recording"  }

# ============================================================================
# Do you want to implement the deinterlace feature?
my $dowedeinterlace = "false";
# ============================================================================
# Use ffmpeg to find if we need to deinterlace
# my $deinterlace = " ";
if ( $dowedeinterlace == "true")
 $command = "ffmpeg -i $dir/$file ";
 open(FF_info, "$command 2>&1 |");
 while ( defined(my $line = ) ) {
  if ( $line =~ /^\s*Stream.*#(\S\.\S).*:\sVideo.*\s(\S*)\stbr/ )
   $framerate = $2;
 if ( $framerate <= 30.0 ) { $deinterlace = "--deinterlace" } elsif ( $framerate > 30 && $framerate <= 60 ) { $deinterlace = "" }

# ============================================================================
# First, generate a new filename,

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT title FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$showtitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT subtitle FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$episodetitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

if ( $episodetitle ne "" ) 
  $seasonnumber = "";
  $episodenumber = "";
  $xmlstring = `/usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ -N "$showtitle" "$episodetitle"`;
  if ( $xmlstring ne "" ) {
    $episodedetails =$xmlparser->XMLin($xmlstring);
    $seasonnumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{season};
    $episodenumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{episode};
my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$mins,$secs) = split m/[- :]/, $starttime;
my $oldShortTime = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d",
                   $year, $month, $day;
my $iter = 0;

do {
  if ( $episodetitle eq "" || $seasonnumber eq "" || $episodenumber eq "" )
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%s.%s.%s", $showtitle, $month, $day, $year;
  } else {
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_S%0sE%0s_%s", $showtitle, $seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodetitle;
  $newfilename =~ s/\;/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\&/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/:/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/__/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\(//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\)//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/'//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\!//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\///g;
  if ( $iter != "0" ) 
  {  $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%d%s", $newfilename, $iter, ".mkv"  } else { $newfilename = sprintf "%s%s", $newfilename, ".mkv" }
  $iter ++;
  $secs = $secs + $iter;
  $newstarttime = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
                    $year, $month, $day, $hour, $mins, $secs;
} while  ( -e "$dir/$newfilename" );

$DEBUG && print "$dir/$newfilename seems unique\n";

# ============================================================================
# Third, do the transcode
# $audiochannels = 6;
# $audiostream = $audiostreamsurround;
# if ( $audiostreamsurround eq "" )
# {
#   $audiochannels = 2;
#   $audiostream = $audiostreamstereo;
# } 

$command = "/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI -i $file";
$command = "$command -o $newfilename";
$command = "$command -e $videocodec";
$command = "$command -q $videoquality";
$command = "$command -a $audiostream";
$command = "$command -E $audiocodec";
$command = "$command -B $audiobitrate";
$command = "$command -6 $audiochannels";
$command = "$command -R $audiosamplerate";
$command = "$command -D $audiodrc";
$command = "$command -f $ftype";
$command = "$command $wordoptions";
$command = "$command $chapters";
$command = "$command $deinterlace";
$command = "$command -x $x264options";

$DEBUG && print "Executing: $command\n";

chdir $dir;
system $command;

if ( ! -e "$dir/$newfilename" )
{   Die "Transcode failed\n"  }

# ============================================================================
# Last, copy the existing recorded details with the new file name.
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute ||  Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$ref = $query->fetchrow_hashref;

$ref->{'starttime'} = $newstarttime;
$ref->{'basename'}  = $newfilename;
if ( $DEBUG && ! $noexec )
    print 'Old file size = ' . (-s "$dir/$file")        . "\n";
    print 'New file size = ' . (-s "$dir/$newfilename") . "\n";
$ref->{'filesize'}  = -s "$dir/$newfilename";

my $extra = 'Copy';

# The new recording file has no cutlist, so we don't insert that field
my @recKeys = grep(!/^cutlist$/, keys %$ref);

# Build up the SQL insert command:
$command = 'INSERT INTO recorded (' . join(',', @recKeys) . ') VALUES ("';
foreach my $key ( @recKeys )
    if (defined $ref->{$key})
    {   $command .= quotemeta($ref->{$key}) . '","'   }
    {   chop $command; $command .= 'NULL,"'   }

chop $command; chop $command;  # remove trailing comma quote

$command .= ');';

if ( $DEBUG || $noexec )
{   print "# $command\n"  }

if ( ! $noexec )
{   $db->do($command)  || Die "Couldn't create new recording's record, but transcoded file exists $newfilename\n"   }

# Delete the old recording, keeping the new transcoded recording
if ( -e "$dir/$newfilename" )
{   $command = 'DELETE from recorded ' . join(',', $whereChanAndStarttime) . '; '; # Build up the SQL delete command:
    $db->do($command); # remove the mysql entry for the recording
    my $filepng = $file . join(',','.png'); # Create the file png filename
    unlink($file); # remove the original file
    unlink($filepng); # remove the file's png

# ============================================================================


Efficient Transcode script for MythTV using Handbrake

Efficient Transcode - transcodes to .mkv format, giving an improved human readable filename.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ============================================================================
# = NAME 
# Convert mpeg2 file from myth to h264 with aac audio.
my $usage = 'Usage: -j %JOBID% -f %FILE% 

# ============================================================================

use strict;
use MythTV;
use XML::Simple;

# What file are we copying/transcoding?
my $file  = '';
my $jobid = -1;

# do nothing?
my $noexec = 0;

# extra console output?
my $DEBUG = 1;

# some globals
my ($chanid, $command, $query, $ref, $starttime, $showtitle, $episodetitle);
my ($seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodedetails);
my ($newfilename, $newstarttime);
my $xmlparser = new XML::Simple;
my $xmlstring;
# globals for stream and resolution mapping
my ($videostream, $audiostreamsurround, $audiostreamstereo, $framerate);

# Set your desired output directory
# my $outputdir = "/home/david/tmp";

# transcode options
my $videocodec = "x264";
my $videoquality = "24"; # target quality
my $audiostream = 1; # default audio channel
my $audiocodec = "copy:ac3";
my $audiobitrate = "160";
my $audiochannels = "auto"; 
my $audiosamplerate = "Auto";
my $audiodrc = "0.0";
my $ftype = "mkv";
my $anamorphic = "--strict-anamorphic";
my $detelecine = "--detelecine";
my $decomb = "--decomb";
my $deinterlace = "--deinterlace";
my $chapters = "-m";

# long word options - type them here
# my $wordoptions = "$anamorphic $decomb $detelecine $deinterlace";
my $wordoptions = "$anamorphic $deinterlace";

# x264 options
my $refoption = "ref=1";
my $bframeoption = "bframes=2";
my $submeoption = "subme=5";
my $mixedrefsoption = "mixed-refs=0";
my $weightboption = "weightb=0";
my $eightbyeightoption = "8x8dct=0";
my $trellisoption = "trellis=0";
my $entropyoption = "cabac=0";
my $partitionoption = "partitions=i4x4,i8x8";
my $motionoption = "me=dia";
my $x264options = "$refoption:$bframeoption:$submeoption:$mixedrefsoption:$weightboption:$eightbyeightoption:$trellisoption:$entropyoption:$partitionoption:$motionoption";

my $mt = '';
my $db = '';

sub Reconnect()
    $mt = new MythTV();
    $db = $mt->{'dbh'};

# ============================================================================
sub Die($)
    print STDERR "@_\n";
    exit -1;
# ============================================================================
# Parse command-line arguments, check there is something to do:
if ( ! @ARGV )
{   Die "$usage"  }

while ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/ )
    my $arg = shift @ARGV;

    if ( $arg eq '-d' || $arg eq '--debug' )
    {   $DEBUG = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-n' || $arg eq '--noaction' )
    {   $noexec = 1  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-j' || $arg eq '--jobid' )
    {   $jobid = shift @ARGV  }
    elsif ( $arg eq '-f' || $arg eq '--file' )
    {   $file = shift @ARGV  }
        unshift @ARGV, $arg;

if ( ! $file && $jobid == -1 )
    Die "No file or job specified. $usage";

# ============================================================================
# If we were supplied a jobid, lookup chanid
# and starttime so that we can find the filename
if ( $jobid != -1 )
    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                          "FROM jobqueue WHERE id=$jobid;");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query jobqueue table";
    $ref       = $query->fetchrow_hashref;
    $chanid    = $ref->{'chanid'};
    $starttime = $ref->{'starttime'};

    if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
    {   Die "Cannot find details for job $jobid"  }

    $query = $db->prepare("SELECT basename FROM recorded " .
                          "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime';");
    $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
    ($file) = $query->fetchrow_array;

    if ( ! $file )
    {   Die "Cannot find recording for chan $chanid, starttime $starttime"  }

    if ( $DEBUG )
        print "Job $jobid refers to recording chanid=$chanid,",
              " starttime=$starttime\n"
    if ( $file =~ m/(\d+)_(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/ )
    {   $chanid = $1, $starttime = "$2-$3-$4 $5:$6:$7"  }
        print "File $file has a strange name. Searching in recorded table\n";
        $query = $db->prepare("SELECT chanid, starttime " .
                              "FROM recorded WHERE basename='$file';");
        $query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
        ($chanid,$starttime) = $query->fetchrow_array;

        if ( ! $chanid || ! $starttime )
        {   Die "Cannot find details for filename $file"  }

# A commonly used SQL row selector:
my $whereChanAndStarttime = "WHERE chanid=$chanid AND starttime='$starttime'";

# ============================================================================
# Find the directory that contains the recordings, check the file exists
my $dir  = undef;
my $dirs = $mt->{'video_dirs'};

foreach my $d ( @$dirs )
 if ( ! -e $d )
 {   Die "Cannot find directory $dir that contains recordings"  }

 if ( -e "$d/$file" )
  $dir = $d;
 {   print "$d/$file does not exist\n"   }

if ( ! $dir )
{   Die "Cannot find recording"  }

# ============================================================================
# Do you want to implement the deinterlace feature?
#my $dowedeinterlace = "";
# ============================================================================
# Use ffmpeg to find if we need to deinterlace
#my $deinterlace = "";
#if ( $dowedeinterlace == '1')
# {
# $command = "ffmpeg -i $dir/$file ";
# open(FF_info, "$command 2>&1 |");
# while ( defined(my $line = ) ) {
#  chomp($line);
#  if ( $line =~ /^\s*Stream.*#(\S\.\S).*:\sVideo.*\s(\S*)\stbr/ )
#  {
#   $framerate = $2;
#   next;
#  }
# }
# if ( $framerate <= 30.0 ) { $deinterlace = "--deinterlace" } elsif ( $framerate > 30 && $framerate <= 60 ) { $deinterlace = "" }

# ============================================================================
# First, generate a new filename,

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT title FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$showtitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

$query = $db->prepare("SELECT subtitle FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute || Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$episodetitle = $query->fetchrow_array;

if ( $episodetitle ne "" ) 
  $seasonnumber = "";
  $episodenumber = "";
  $xmlstring = `/usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ -N "$showtitle" "$episodetitle"`;
  if ( $xmlstring ne "" ) {
    $episodedetails =$xmlparser->XMLin($xmlstring);
    $seasonnumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{season};
    $episodenumber = $episodedetails->{item}->{episode};
my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$mins,$secs) = split m/[- :]/, $starttime;
my $oldShortTime = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d",
                   $year, $month, $day;
my $iter = 0;

do {
  if ( $episodetitle eq "" || $seasonnumber eq "" || $episodenumber eq "" )
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%s.%s.%s", $showtitle, $month, $day, $year;
  } else {
    $newfilename = sprintf "%s_S%0sE%0s_%s", $showtitle, $seasonnumber, $episodenumber, $episodetitle;
  $newfilename =~ s/\;/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\&/   AND   /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\s/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/:/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/__/_/g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\(//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\)//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/'//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\!//g;
  $newfilename =~ s/\///g;
  if ( $iter != "0" ) 
  {  $newfilename = sprintf "%s_%d%s", $newfilename, $iter, ".mkv"  } else { $newfilename = sprintf "%s%s", $newfilename, ".mkv" }
  $iter ++;
  $secs = $secs + $iter;
  $newstarttime = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
                    $year, $month, $day, $hour, $mins, $secs;
} while  ( -e "$dir/$newfilename" );

$DEBUG && print "$dir/$newfilename seems unique\n";

# ============================================================================
# Third, do the transcode
# $audiochannels = 6;
# $audiostream = $audiostreamsurround;
# if ( $audiostreamsurround eq "" )
# {
#   $audiochannels = 2;
#   $audiostream = $audiostreamstereo;
# } 

$command = "/usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI -i $file";
$command = "$command -o $newfilename";
$command = "$command -e $videocodec";
$command = "$command -q $videoquality";
$command = "$command -a $audiostream";
$command = "$command -E $audiocodec";
$command = "$command -B $audiobitrate";
$command = "$command -6 $audiochannels";
$command = "$command -R $audiosamplerate";
$command = "$command -D $audiodrc";
$command = "$command -f $ftype";
$command = "$command $wordoptions";
$command = "$command $chapters";
$command = "$command $deinterlace";
$command = "$command -x $x264options";

$DEBUG && print "Executing: $command\n";

chdir $dir;
system $command;

if ( ! -e "$dir/$newfilename" )
{   Die "Transcode failed\n"  }

# ============================================================================
# Last, copy the existing recorded details with the new file name.
$query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM recorded $whereChanAndStarttime;");
$query->execute ||  Die "Unable to query recorded table";
$ref = $query->fetchrow_hashref;

$ref->{'starttime'} = $newstarttime;
$ref->{'basename'}  = $newfilename;
if ( $DEBUG && ! $noexec )
    print 'Old file size = ' . (-s "$dir/$file")        . "\n";
    print 'New file size = ' . (-s "$dir/$newfilename") . "\n";
$ref->{'filesize'}  = -s "$dir/$newfilename";

my $extra = 'Copy';

# The new recording file has no cutlist, so we don't insert that field
my @recKeys = grep(!/^cutlist$/, keys %$ref);

# Build up the SQL insert command:
$command = 'INSERT INTO recorded (' . join(',', @recKeys) . ') VALUES ("';
foreach my $key ( @recKeys )
    if (defined $ref->{$key})
    {   $command .= quotemeta($ref->{$key}) . '","'   }
    {   chop $command; $command .= 'NULL,"'   }

chop $command; chop $command;  # remove trailing comma quote

$command .= ');';

if ( $DEBUG || $noexec )
{   print "# $command\n"  }

if ( ! $noexec )
{   $db->do($command)  || Die "Couldn't create new recording's record, but transcoded file exists $newfilename\n"   }

# Delete the old recording, keeping the new transcoded recording
if ( -e "$dir/$newfilename" )
{   $command = 'DELETE from recorded ' . join(',', $whereChanAndStarttime) . '; '; # Build up the SQL delete command:
    $db->do($command); # remove the mysql entry for the recording
    my $filepng = $file . join(',','.png'); # Create the file png filename
    unlink($file); # remove the original file
    unlink($filepng); # remove the file's png

# ============================================================================


MythTV scripts used (I don't use this one)
#Dumps the mythconverg database - daily backup
#Keeps the last 7 days
DAY=`/bin/date +%u`
echo "$DATE : Backuping up myth database to $DUMPFILE" >> $LOG
/usr/bin/mysqldump -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg -c > $DUMPFILE
echo "$DATE : Backup completed." >> $LOG
exit 0 - courtesy of Arkay @
(be careful if cutting and pasting this, due to narrow width of the printout, some lines may have carried over to a new line, when they should not have)
Pre-shutdown-check command: /home/david/scripts/
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## Name:
## Purpose: Checks to determine if the mythbackend server is idle and ready for shutdown.
## (C)opyright 2008 Arksoft.
## Author: Arkay
## Ver 1.0: 14-07-2008. Initial version.
# Require and Use Clauses.

use strict;    #Keeps code neat.
use Getopt::Std;   #Getopt module for option preprocessing.
use vars qw/ $opt_d $opt_h /;  #Option Processing vars.
use POSIX qw(strftime);   #Time routine we need.

# Prototype definitions

sub logmsg(@);  #Message logger so we can track what's been going on.
sub process_opts(); #Option processing.. Nothing exiting for this script.
sub do_command($); #Execute a shell command for lazy perl programmers :)
sub check_hosts(); #Are any server dependant hosts currently up?
sub check_procs(); #Check if the server is running anything that should keep us awake.
sub check_myth(); #Check if mythbackend is busy doing anything.

# Constant Definitions.

my ($TRUE) = 1;
my ($FALSE) = 0;

# Global vars, paths, commands to call.

my ($LOG) = "/var/log/archmyth.log";     #Log location.
my ($LOGSIZE) = 1024;       #Maximum log size in kbytes, self pruning.
my ($DEBUG) = $FALSE;       #Debugging default is off.
my ($BASENAME) = $0;       #How was the program called?

my ($MYTHSTATUS)="/usr/bin/mythshutdown --status;echo \$\?";  #Command to query myth status
my ($PING)="/bin/ping";       #Where is ping

# These are the only 2 lines in this file that should be edited.
# The first (@procs) is a list of processes that when running should keep the server awake.
# The second (@HOSTS) lists hosts that, if active, prevents the server from sleeping.
# To acertain the name of a process to see if it still running use ps -ef | grep -i 
# The names of the hosts listed below need to exist in your /etc/hosts file. You can check 
# that they are up with ping 
# Both lines consist of a comma separate list of quoted strings. i.e.
#my (@PROCS)=("dpexpress","ktorrent","shepherd","altbinz");  #Stay awake if active.
#my (@HOSTS)=("debs","htpc-lounge","quadarch");    #stay awake if any of these are up
my (@PROCS)=("shepherd","xbmc","chromium","vlc","smplayer","HandBrakeCLI"); #stay awake?
my (@HOSTS)=("myth-frontend");      #stay awake if any of these are up

# The Mainline.
 my ($blocked)=$FALSE;


 logmsg "$BASENAME started : PID($$)";

 SWITCH: #blocked
  if (check_hosts() != $FALSE) #Check it any client hosts are up

  if (check_procs() != $FALSE) #Check if any processes are blocking shutdown

  if (check_myth() != $FALSE) #Check if myth is busy

 if ($blocked == $TRUE)
  logmsg "Mythbackend is not idle - blocking Shutdown.";
  logmsg "Mythbackend is currently idle - Allowing Shutdown.";

 logmsg "$BASENAME Completed."; logmsg " ";

# check_procs()
# Check if processes are running that should stop shutdown from occuring.
sub check_procs()
 my (@output);
 my ($proc);
 my ($command);
 my ($count)=0;
 my ($running)=$FALSE;

 logmsg "PROC  - Checking active processes that block shutdown.";

 foreach $proc (@PROCS)
  $command="ps -ef | grep $proc | grep -v grep |wc -l"; 

  if (@output)
   chomp ($count);

  if ($count > 0)
   logmsg "PROC  - Found active process : $proc ($count running).";
 logmsg "PROC  - No blocking processes currently running." if ($running) == $FALSE;

# check_myth()
# Check if we have active samba connections.
sub check_myth()
 my (@output);
 my ($status)=69;
 my ($text)="Unknown";

 logmsg "MYTH  - Checking mythbackend status.";

 if (@output)
  $status=$output[0]; chomp($status);

  $text="Idle."       if ($status) == 0;
  $text="Transcoding."      if ($status) == 1;
  $text="Flagging Commercials."     if ($status) == 2;
  $text="Grabbing EPG Data."     if ($status) == 4;
  $text="Recording."      if ($status) == 8;
  $text="Locked."      if ($status) == 16;
  $text="Jobs running/pending."     if ($status) == 32;
  $text="In a daily wakeup/shutdown period."   if ($status) == 64;
  $text="Less than 15 minutes to next wakeup period."  if ($status) == 128;
  $text="Setup is running."    if ($status) == 255;

  logmsg "MYTH  - Mythbackend status ($status) : $text";
  logmsg "MYTH  - Failed to get mythbackend status.";


# check_hosts()
# Checkif we have active samba connections.
sub check_hosts()
 my ($line);
 my ($host);
 my (@output,@ping);
 my ($up)=$FALSE;
 my ($command);

 logmsg "HOSTS - Checking for active client hosts.";

 foreach $host (@HOSTS)
  $command="$PING -c2 $host | grep received | awk '{print \$4}'";

  if ($output[0] != 0)
   logmsg "HOSTS - Client host \"$host\" is still up.";
   logmsg "HOSTS - Client host \"$host\" is currently down.";

 logmsg "HOSTS - No active client hosts found." if ($up == $FALSE);


# logmsg
# Little routine to write to the log file.
# Rotates around $LOGSIZE bytes.
sub logmsg(@)
 my ($string)=@_;
 my $time=scalar localtime;
 my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks);
 my (@lines,$line);


 if (defined($size))
  $size=$size/1024;    #size in kbyte

  if ($size >= $LOGSIZE)
   unlink ("$LOG.old") if (-e("$LOG.old"));
   rename ($LOG,"$LOG.old");

 print "$time : $string\n" if ($DEBUG==$TRUE);

 if (open (LOG,">>$LOG"))
  if ($string =~ /\n/)
   foreach $line (@lines)
    print LOG "$time : $line\n"; 
    print LOG "$time : $string\n"; 
  close (LOG);
  print "Unable to open LOG $LOG : $!";

# process_opts()
# Set Global option flags dependant on command line input.
sub process_opts()

 $DEBUG=$TRUE if ($opt_d); 
 exit(usage(1)) if ($opt_h);

# usage()
# Output Relevant Usage strings if incorrect opts are given.
sub usage()

 if ($ucode == 1) 
  print "Usage: $BASENAME [-dh]\n";

# sub do_command($)
# use system call to execute command. Returns output of command in array.
sub do_command($)
    my ($command)=@_;
    my (@output);
    my ($exit_value)=0;

    logmsg "Executing $command" if ($DEBUG == $TRUE);


    $exit_value = $? >> 8;

    if ($exit_value != 0)
        logmsg "Error executing $command : $!";
sudo sh -c "/home/david/scripts/ $time"
#$1 is the first argument to the script. It is the time in seconds since 1970
#this is defined in mythtv-setup with the time_t argument

#Set the wakeup timers.
echo 0 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm      #this clears your alarm.
echo $1 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm     #this writes the alarm.
date=`date "+%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y"`
schedutc=`date -u -d @$1 +%F" "%T`
sched=`date -d @$1 +%F" "%T`
echo "$date : Next scheduled recording : $sched ($schedutc UTC)" >>$LOG
#cat /proc/driver/rtc | head -4 >>$LOG
sudo sh -c "/home/david/scripts/"

date=`date "+%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y"`
echo "$date : System Shutting down." >>$LOG
/sbin/shutdown -h now