Simple test to wake the machine 5 minutes from now (if this works, you're pretty much set)
sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm" sudo sh -c "echo `date '+%s' -d '+ 5 minutes'` > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm" cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
Check cat /proc/driver/rtc
should return a list of parameters. Check the alrm_time is 5 minutes
into the future and the alrm_date is today. Shutdown your computer and
see if it comes back up in ~5 min. sudo shutdown -h now
If the alarm is set then you should see something like this. If so then shutdown and see if it wakes up at the alarm date/time.rtc_time : 13:40:26 rtc_date : 2008-12-21 alrm_time : 10:45:00 alrm_date : 2008-12-22 alarm_IRQ : yes alrm_pending : no 24hr : yes periodic_IRQ : no update_IRQ : no HPET_emulated : no DST_enable : no periodic_freq : 1024 batt_status : okay
The update from grub legacy to grub2 was a problem, my motherboard dislikes "HPET_emulated : yes". The solution is to add the following to /etc/default/grub
and run
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg