It requires my root /etc/fstab plus a "clone-version" /etc/fstabClone (see below)
It requires folders /mnt/ssdRootClone on the original and /mnt/ssdRoot on the Clone.
I run it as root.
date=`date "+%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y"`
echo "$date : " >>$LOG
echo "$date : System is being cloned." >>$LOG
echo "$date : Clone mounted at $DESTINATION" >>$LOG
echo "$date : " >>$LOG
# Clear the variable directpries from the destination first
#rm -rf $DESTINATION/tmp
#rm -rf $DESTINATION/var
for file in $FILES
if [ ! -e "$file" ] # Check if file exists.
echo "$date : $file does not exist and has not been cloned." >>$LOG
# Clone the system here
echo "$date : $file is next." >>$LOG
# rsync options used
# -a, --archive
# This is equivalent to -rlptgoD. It is a quick way of saying you
# want recursion and want to preserve almost everything (with -H
# being a notable omission). The only exception to the above
# equivalence is when --files-from is specified, in which case -r
# is not implied.
# Note that -a does not preserve hardlinks, because finding multiply
# linked files is expensive. You must separately specify -H.
# -u, --update
# This forces rsync to skip any files which exist on the destination
# and have a modified time that is newer than the source file.
# (If an existing destination file has a modification time equal to
# the source file's, it will be updated if the sizes are different.)
# Note that this does not affect the copying of symlinks or other
# special files. Also, a difference of file format between the
# sender and receiver is always considered to be important enough
# for an update, no matter what date is on the objects. In other
# words, if the source has a directory where the destination has a
# file, the transfer would occur regardless of the timestamps.
# This option is a transfer rule, not an exclude, so it doesn't
# affect the data that goes into the file-lists, and thus it
# doesn't affect deletions. It just limits the files that the
# receiver requests to be transferred.
# -H, --hard-links
# This tells rsync to look for hard-linked files in the source and
# link together the corresponding files on the destination. With-
# out this option, hard-linked files in the source are treated as
# though they were separate files.
# This option does NOT necessarily ensure that the pattern of hard
# links on the destination exactly matches that on the source.
# Cases in which the destination may end up with extra hard links
# include the following:
# o If the destination contains extraneous hard-links (more
# linking than what is present in the source file list),
# the copying algorithm will not break them explicitly.
# However, if one or more of the paths have content differ-
# ences, the normal file-update process will break those
# extra links (unless you are using the --inplace option).
# o If you specify a --link-dest directory that contains hard
# links, the linking of the destination files against the
# --link-dest files can cause some paths in the destination
# to become linked together due to the --link-dest associa-
# tions.
# Note that rsync can only detect hard links between files that
# are inside the transfer set. If rsync updates a file that has
# extra hard-link connections to files outside the transfer, that
# linkage will be broken. If you are tempted to use the --inplace
# option to avoid this breakage, be very careful that you know how
# your files are being updated so that you are certain that no
# unintended changes happen due to lingering hard links (and see
# the --inplace option for more caveats).
# If incremental recursion is active (see --recursive), rsync may
# transfer a missing hard-linked file before it finds that another
# link for that contents exists elsewhere in the hierarchy. This
# does not affect the accuracy of the transfer (i.e. which files
# are hard-linked together), just its efficiency (i.e. copying the
# data for a new, early copy of a hard-linked file that could have
# been found later in the transfer in another member of the
# hard-linked set of files). One way to avoid this inefficiency
# is to disable incremental recursion using the --no-inc-recursive
# option.
rsync -aqHu --delete --stats --log-file=$LOG --log-file-format="%n" $file $DESTINATION
# make use of "$ du" command
# du -s $file | awk '{ print $2 "is " $1 }'
echo "$date : $file successfully cloned." >>$LOG
# After cloning, fstab is going to mount the wrong partition
# Use the fstabClone for the corrected mounts.
if [ ! -e "$FSTABCLONE" ] # Check if file exists.
echo "$date : $FSTABCLONE does not exist and has not been copied." >>$LOG
echo "$date : /etc/fstab corrected for the clone." >>$LOG
# After cloning ac opy of grub needs to be removed
echo "$date : grub has been cleaned up for the clone." >>$LOG
echo "$date : " >>$LOG
echo "$date : System cloning is complete." >>$LOG
echo "$date : " >>$LOG
exit 0
Here are the /etc/fstab and /etc/fstabClone files, respectively.
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
LABEL=htpcHome /home ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRoot / ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRootClone /mnt/ssdRootClone ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=slackRoot /mnt/slackware ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=grubPartition /boot/grub ext4 defaults 0 1
#LABEL=ssdSwap swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
LABEL=mythGlenelg /home/david/MythTV/Glenelg xfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev,allocsize=64m 0 1
LABEL=mythSturt /home/david/MythTV/Sturt xfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid,nodev,allocsize=64m 0 1
# NFS client
#david-desktop:/ /mnt nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/music /home/david/Music nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/movies /home/david/Movies nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
# Samba
//david-desktop/movies /home/david/Movies cifs noatime,nodiratime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/music /home/david/Music cifs noatime,nodiratime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/tvseries /home/david/TVseries cifs noatime,nodiratime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
LABEL=htpcHome /home ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRoot /mnt/ssdRoot ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=ssdRootClone / ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=slackRoot /mnt/slackware ext4 defaults 0 1
LABEL=grubPartition /boot/grub ext4 defaults 0 1
#LABEL=ssdSwap swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/sda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
LABEL=mythGlenelg /home/david/MythTV/Glenelg xfs defaults 0 1
LABEL=mythSturt /home/david/MythTV/Sturt xfs defaults 0 1
# NFS client
#david-desktop:/ /mnt nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/music /home/david/Music nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
#david-desktop:/movies /home/david/Movies nfs4 rw,hard,intr,bg 0 0
# Samba
//david-desktop/movies /home/david/Movies cifs noatime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/music /home/david/Music cifs noatime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
//david-desktop/tvseries /home/david/TVseries cifs noatime,bg,username=david,password=david 0 0
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